Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II Chassis Info
The first letter of the chassis number denotes body styling; the second letter differentiates Rolls-Royce or Bentley, and the third whether the car is left or right hand drive and American model years. The 5 remaining digits represent the series number - for which more information is shown below.
Depending on year of manufacture and country the chassis number can be found on: 1) the engine bay bracket next to the right-hand side road spring pot; 2) the lower left-hand side windscreen; 3) the engine compartment bulkhead 4) either front door pillars.
Body Styling
S | Standard Saloon (Standard Sedan in the USA) |
C | Two-door saloon (Two-door Coupe in the USA) |
D | Convertible |
L | Long Wheelbase Saloon (LWB Formal Sedan in the USA) |
P | Phantom VI |
J | Camargue |
R | Rolls-Royce |
B | Bentley |
Right / Left Hand Drive & US model years
H | Left Hand Drive (not North American cars 1972 on) |
X | Right Hand Drive |
A | North America 1972 model year |
B | North America 1973 model year |
C | North America 1974 model year |
D | North America 1975 model year |
E | North America 1976 model year |
F | North America 1977 model year |
G | North America 1978 model year |
K | North America 1979 model year |
L | North America 1980 model year |
In addition, a letter C is used as suffix letter after the car serial number to indicate that the vehicle has been produced to the 1980 Californian specification.
All coachbuilt cars were denoted by the prefix C up to car serial number CRX 6646. Convertible cars produced after CRX 6646 however, are denoted by the prefix D (e.g DRX), while 2-door saloons continue to be denoted by the prefix C.
Release Date | Modification Detail | Introduced at Chassis: |
November 1976 | Introduction of Silver Shadow II series and Bentley T2 motor cars. Improved gear and output shaft operation on auto ACU controls. Simplified installation of otter switch. Improved run of cables. US radiator matrix used on Japanese Corniche cars. 4-way window lift circuit breaker (4 door cars) | 30001 |
New boot handle (German 4 door cars) | 30008 | |
EEC drivers mirror (continental EEC countries) | 30012 | |
75 amp alternator (Corniche) | 30041 | |
New exterior door handles (4 door cars) | 30042 | |
First Silver Wraith II (non-division) | 30083 | |
Coolant pump seal flitted into housing with sealant | 30300 | |
New mounting bush for Menasco units (NA cars) | 30446 | |
Modified Davall EWL clutch (UK Corniche) | 30827 | |
First Silver Wraith II (division) | 30886 | |
Modified Davall EWL clutch (NA Corniche) | 30902 | |
Air-cored instruments. Positive seal on petrol gauge | 30987 | |
June 1977 | Strengthened door hinge plates (Corniche) | 31113 |
Decreased hood closing tension | 31130 | |
Side marker lamps deleted (OTA LWB) | 31142 | |
Side marker lamps deleted (OTA SWB) | 31337 | |
Strengthened door hinge plates (Camargue) | 31363 | |
RR tested HIF7 carburetter floats | 31386 | |
New rear ram seals | 31389 | |
Improved water pump seal | 31411 | |
Radiused radiator shell (W German Camargue only) | 31497 | |
Michelin tyres fitted (NA Camargue) | 31572 | |
Modified Davall EWL clutch (Camargue) | 31643 | |
Protective sleeve fitted on steering hose | 31702 | |
Lengthened, beaded fuel tank filler tube (NA Camargue) | 31742 | |
Improved adjustment of lower quantity flap | 31768 | |
Plain washers to gearchange micro-switches (Camargue) | 31839 | |
Screenwash priming valve and improved motor (Camargue) | 31876 | |
Spansil fuel tank float (Camargue) | 31877 | |
Improved fuel vapour roll-over valve | 31879 | |
Fuel vapour valve. Additional hazard warning light (W Euro Camargue) | 31882 | |
Michelin tyres flitted (NA cars) | 31885 | |
Improved radiator matrix (Camargue). Improved throttle progression (LH Camargue NA and Japan) | 31961 | |
Speedometer wired through No 2 fuse (Camargue) | 31962 | |
October 1977 | New ram seals (Corniche) | 32028 |
SY steering wheel fitted. Goetz rack pinion seal (Camargue) | 32035 | |
Lengthened fuel filler hose (NA Camargue) | 32036 | |
Specified poundage reduced on front springs. Extra packing washer to rear springs (OTA Camargue). Tectyl coated accumulator/frame hoses (Camargue) | 32101 | |
Screenwash priming valve and Improved motor (Corniche) | 32176 | |
Packing washer under front suspension bump stop (Camargue) | 32180 | |
New speed control bellows (Camargue) | 32181 | |
Lengthened, beaded fuel tank filler tube (NA Corniche only) | 32204 | |
10/20 glass (Camargue) | 32212 | |
Plain washers to gearchange micro-switches (Corniche) | 32269 | |
New assembly distributor and coil (Camargue) | 32274 | |
Lengthened, beaded fuel tank filler tube (NA SWB only) | 32285 | |
Improved fuel vapour rollover valve | 32328 | |
Spansil fuel tank float fitted (Corniche) | 32330 | |
Improved ACU fan and compressor fuse carrier (Camargue) | 32337 | |
Lengthened, beaded fuel filler tube (NA LWB only) | 32394 | |
Spansil fuel tank float fitted (LWB) | 32408 | |
Improved radiator matrix (Corniche) | 32414 | |
Improved heed restraint escutcheon | 32433 | |
Screenwash priming valve and improved motor (SWB) | 32443 | |
Plain washers to gearchange micro-switches (SWB) | 32449 | |
Reduced run-out on brake discs | 32484 | |
Goetz rack pinion seal (Corniche) | 32485 | |
Lengthened fuel filter hose (NA convertibles only) | 32488 | |
Additional clip on choke solenoid wiring to prevent chafing | 32500 | |
Improved throttle progression (NA and Japan LH Corniche) | 32554 | |
Fuel vapour valve fitted. Additional hazard warning lights fitted (W Euro. Corniche) | 32555 | |
Improved fuel vapour rollover valve | 32563 | |
Air diverter valve fitted (Australian Corniche) | 32631 | |
SY steering wheel fitted (Corniche) | 32633 | |
Packing washer under front suspension bump stop (Corniche) | 32635 | |
Spansil fuel tank float fitted (SWB) | 32653 | |
Improved carburetter floats (Corniche) | 32708 | |
New assembly distributor and coil (Corniche) | 32709 | |
Lengthened fuel filler hose (NA Corniche) | 32712 | |
Bosch relays in gearchange actuator (Camargue) | 32716 | |
Uprated EWL motors (SWB) | 32750 | |
Uprated EWL motors (LWB) | 32772 | |
Improved Dzus fuse cover fastener (Corniche) | 32790 | |
Tectyl coating on accumulator/frame hoses (Corniche) | 32795 | |
New door frames and mirrors (Camargue) | 32796 | |
Improved throttle progression (NA & Japan LH SWB) | 32810 | |
Improved throttle progression (NA & Japan LH LWB) | 32852 | |
Specified poundage reduced on front springs. Extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA LWB). Additional hazard warning light (LWB) | 32859 | |
Specified poundage reduced on front springs. Extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA Corniche) | 32873 | |
Loctite used on cylinder head core plugs | 32905 | |
Improved radiator matrix (SWB & LWB) | 32910 | |
Lengthened fuel filler hose (NA LWB) | 32934 | |
Modified boot lid handles to meet EEC regulations | 32948 | |
Additional hazard warning light (SWB) | 32975 | |
January 1978 | New temperature sensor wheel for ACU | 33000 |
Packing washer under front suspension bump stop. Fuel vapour valve fitted (W Euro LWB) | 33024 | |
Improved carburetter floats (LWB) | 33097 | |
Revised positioning of passenger door mirror | 33160 | |
Loctite used on crankcase core plugs | 33167 | |
Air diverter valve fitted (Australian LWB) | 33171 | |
Improved Dzus fuse cover fastener (LWB) | 33174 | |
New assembly direction indicator switch (Camargue) | 33187 | |
Goetz rack pinion seal (SWB & LWB) | 33217 | |
Tectyl coating on accumulator/frame hoses (LWB) | 33252 | |
Improved EWL motor sealing | 33299 | |
Revised brake light switch setting method | 33340 | |
Washer under bump stop on front suspension (SWB) | 33526 | |
Lengthened fuel filler hose (NA SWB) | 33633 | |
Air diverter valve fitted (Australian SWB) | 33663 | |
New headlamps to suit Improved wash/wipe system | 33809 | |
Speedometer wired through ignition | 33880 | |
New adaptor for bumper mounting | 33997 | |
April 1978 | Improved sealing of fuel tank sender units | 34000 |
Improved Dzus fuse cover fastener (SWB) | 34050 | |
Steel washer deleted from sub-frame mounts | 34100 | |
Tectyl coated accumulator/frame hoses (SWB) | 34127 | |
Specified poundage reduced on front springs. Extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA SWB) | 34174 | |
New homologation plate (Italian cars) | 34187 | |
Specified poundage reduced on front springs. Extra packing washer under rear springs (OTA LWB) | 34301 | |
New speed control bellows (LWB) | 34310 | |
New speed control bellows (SWB) | 34380 | |
New speed control bellows (Corniche) | 34396 | |
lmproved accumulator diaphragms | 34486 | |
Gearchange actuator, held in Park unless ignition on | 34510 | |
1978 electrical package, including headlamp wash/wipe | 34573 | |
New wormshaft and motor in gearchange actuator | 34599 | |
New arrangement rack and pinion steering gear including modified inner tubes and end govers | 34715 | |
New Repa front seat belts | 34740 | |
August 1978 | Re-styled mounting bracket for centre console | 35320 |
New Dunlop steel braced tyres | 35380 | |
New assembly tool kit | 35427 | |
EGR solenoid deleted (new pipe). Rear balance pipe deleted | 35430 | |
New hydraulic reservoir | 35488 | |
Re-location of water tap | 35512 | |
Re-styled mascot | 35512 | |
New rear pads (Mintex) and calipers. New parking brake material. New front pads and calipers together with new ‘M’ springs | 35834 | |
Reduced run-out tolerance on brake discs | 35889 | |
November 1978 | 1979 model year gearbox. Metric bolts to flexplate | 36035 |
Improved coolant radiator | 36179 | |
Improved design of radiator tank seam | 36350 | |
Revised wiper motor mounting | 36371 | |
New door assembly courtesy light switch | 36581 | |
New steering column heat shield | 36586 | |
Single leg EWL motor | 36670 | |
Revised speedo mounts | 36678 | |
New assembly boot light switch (LWB) | 36705 | |
Bosch relays In gearchange actuator (LWB) | 36718 | |
Improved fuel cooler (Japan and USA) | 36806 | |
Bosch relays In gearchange actuator (SWB) | 36833 | |
New assembly boot light switch (SWB) | 36877 | |
Lower poundage front road springs | 36938 | |
Improved ACU fan and compressor fuse earner (4 door cars) | 36963 | |
April 1979 | Improved header tank with additional baffles | 37000 |
Pioneer KP292 tape player (LWB) | 37027 | |
Discharge hose and silencer for ACU compressor | 37034 | |
Improved accumulator diaphragms | 37141 | |
Lucas dip swatch replaces Delco switch | 37170 | |
New fan speed module mounting bracket | 37173 | |
Silencers fitted to ACU compressor discharge hose (USA only) | 37260 | |
Redesigned shaft and lever gearbox actuator | 37300 | |
Pioneer KP292 tape player | 37325 | |
Redesigned CDL. Solenoid, corrosion resistant CDL plungers | 37429 | |
Stainless steel exhaust | 37443 | |
New assembly direction indicator switch | 37570 | |
Positive drive anti-streak wiper mechanism (LHD) | 37663 | |
New outside temp. sensor (LWB) | 37735 | |
Improved petrol pump performance (OTA) | 37765 | |
New outside temp sensor (SWBf | 37766 | |
Modified stop lamp switch | 37811 | |
Modified window lift motors with increased corrosion resistance | 37903 | |
Positive drive anti-streak wiper mechanism (RHD) | 37948 | |
September 1979 | Deletion of floor temp sensor (Japanese cars) | 38085 |
New loudspeakers (all cars) | 38100 | |
Extra heatshield for RH catalyst (NA and Japan) | 38222 | |
Corrosion resistant starter relay - neoprene dipped | 38352 | |
Revised throttle linkage to cure cold stall (OTA) | 38536 | |
New speedo to comply with FMV SS 127 | 38659 | |
New Portescap ACU actuator | 38792 | |
Metric steering pump (LWB) | 38916 | |
New radio balance potentiometer | 38952 | |
Improved cotter for inlet and exhaust valves | 38972 | |
L410B engine | 38984 | |
November 1979 | Improved toproll adhesive capable of withstanding higher temperatures. Loctite 225 introduced threads of steering rack end cover seal | 39000 |
Modification to GM400 gearbox (sprag clutch) | 39400 | |
New steering rack incorporating lock stops | 39458 | |
Stiffener applied to rear bumper side mouldings | 39500 | |
Metric steering pump (SWB) | 39524 | |
New valve guides | 39639 | |
Improved Girling suspension dampers | 39748 | |
New Kangol seat belts (NA and Japan) | 39976 | |
Two nine-way sockets replace one twenty-way socket on gearbox actuator loom (4 door LH) | 39981 | |
March 1980 | Petrol injection (Californian cars) | 40194 |
More accurate ACU compressor ambient cutout switch (SWB NA) | 40244 | |
More accurate ACU compressor ambient cutout switch (SWB RH) | 40245 | |
Axle pinion oil seals replaced (LWB) | 40253 | |
More accurate ACU compressor ambient cutout switch (SWB LH) | 40271 | |
Axle pinion oil seals replaced (SWB) | 40341 | |
Starter relay-stainless steel armature pull-off spring (4 door LH) | 40542 | |
New ice warning sensor (SWB) | 40714 | |
Longer Bosch Frankfurt six button radio (SWB) | 40719 | |
Improved otter switch for air silencer elbow | 40748 | |
New ice warning sensor (LWB) | 40768 | |
Longer Bosch Frankfurt six button radio (LWB) | 40773 | |
Two nine-way sockets replace one twenty-way socket on gearbox actuator loom (4 door RH) | 40836 | |
New brake hoses and heat shields (4 door Japan and NA) | 40875 | |
June 1980 | Improved torque arm mounts. Improved wiper wheel-boxes | 41000 |
New feed hose steering pump to rack (LWB) | 41191 | |
New feed hose steering pump to rack (SWB) | 41385 | |
Hot box tested brake pumps (4 door cars) | 41420 | |
Lock tab for oil pick-up setscrews | 41557 | |
Revised throttle progression (4 door NA) | 41571 | |
Improved cooling fan fastening (LWB NA) | 41592 | |
Last of the Shadow II series motor cars | 41686 | |
March 1979 | Introduction of hydraulic system mineral oil on Corniche and Carmargue cars | 50001 |
Reduced run-out tolerance on brake discs | 50003 | |
1979 model year gearbox (Corniche) | 50004 | |
New outside temp. sensor (Corniche) | 50043 | |
Bosch relays in gearchange actuator | 50050 | |
New assembly boot light switch. New outside temp. sensor (Camargue) | 50085 | |
Self retaining clamp on exhaust grass fire shields (Japanese cars) | 50106 | |
3 In 1 digital display. KP292 Pioneer cassette player (Corniche) | 50112 | |
Improved Girling suspension dampers (Corniche convertible) | 50139 | |
Improved ACU fan and compressor fuse carrier (Corniche) | 50152 | |
New assembly direction indicator switch (Corniche) | 50157 | |
Reintroduction of leather covered steering wheel (Corniche) | 50234 | |
New Portescap ACU actuator (Corniche) | 50238 | |
Reintroduction of leather covered steering wheel. More accessible bleed screw for levelling system (Camargue) | 50245 | |
New Portescap ACU actuator (Camargue) | 50260 | |
More accessible bleed screw for levelling system (Corniche) | 50292 | |
Improved hazard warning switch rod retention (Camargue) | 50294 | |
New drop glass seal (Camargue) | 50295 | |
Corrosion resistant wiper motor (Camargue) | 50298 | |
New steering rack incorporating lock stops (Corniche) | 50311 | |
Improved Gilring suspension dampers (Corniche saloon) | 50313 | |
Metric steering pump (Corniche) | 50334 | |
Simplified wash/wipe system (Camargue) | 50351 | |
Metric steering pump (Camargue) | 50352 | |
Axle pinion oil seals replaced (Corniche) | 50386 | |
Axle pinion oil seals replaced (Camargue) | 50435 | |
More accurate ACU compressor ambient cut-out switch (Camargue) | 50446 | |
More accurate ACU compressor ambient cut-out switch. Starter relay-stainless steel armature pull-off spring. Longer Bosch Frankfurt six button radio (Corniche) | 50448 | |
New courtesy light switch (Corniche) | 50460 | |
Higher poundage rear spring (Corniche) | 50461 | |
Revised CDL solenoid mounting (Corniche) | 50501 | |
Longer Bosch Frankfurt six button radio (Camargue) | 50504 | |
New height control rod to create a greater standing height (Corniche) | 50505 | |
Two nine-way sockets replace one twenty-way socket on gearbox actuator loom (Corniche) | 50521 | |
New height control rod to create a greater standing height (Camargue) | 50546 | |
Higher poundage rear spring (Camargue) | 50547 | |
Restrictor between levelling valve and minimum pressure valve (Corniche) | 50550 | |
New ice warning sensor (Camargue) | 50558 | |
Revised throttle progression (NA Corniche) | 50569 | |
Two nine-way sockets replace one twenty way socket on gearbox actuator loom (Camargue) | 50576 | |
New feed hose, steering pump to rack (Corniche) | 50582 | |
Hot box tested brake pumps (2 door cars) | 50600 | |
Deletion of cruciform mounting bracket | 50608 | |
Restrictor between levelling valve and minimum pressure valve (Camargue) | 50622 | |
Improved cooling fan retention (Corniche) | 50626 | |
New feed hose, steering pump to rack (Camargue) | 50630 | |
Revised throttle progression (NA Camargue) | 50642 | |
Improved cooling fan retention (Camargue) | 50644 | |
Lock tab for oil pickup setscrews (Corniche) | 50660 | |
New tie rod end connections (Corniche) | 50673 | |
Lock tab for oil pick-up setscrews (Camargue) | 50712 | |
New tie rod end connections (Camargue) | 50724 | |
New cigar lighters (Camargue) | 50745 | |
Separation of speed control and stop lamp switches (Corniche) | 50751 | |
Improved oil seal, final drive (Corniche) | 50755 | |
Last Corniche prior to Vehicle ldentification Numbers (VIN) | 50756 | |
Separation of speed control and stop lamp swatches (Camargue) Last Camargue prior to Vehicle ldentification Numbers (VIN) |
50776 |