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Choke System & Throttle Housing
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 40194-50757 & 01557-05036 (Fuel Injected Cars)
Choke (SU carburetors), chassis numbers 01001-16970
Choke Hot Air Pipes (Manifold to Carburetor) chassis numbers 01001-17628
Choke Hot Air Pipes (Manifold to Carburetor) chassis numbers 17629-20664
Choke Hot Air Pipes (Manifold to Carburetor) chassis numbers 20665-22117
Choke Hot Air Pipes (Manifold to Carburetor) chassis numbers 22118-26708
Choke Hot Air Pipes (Manifold to Carburetor) chassis numbers 30000-41648
Silver Cloud I & S1 Butterfly Housing & Choke Solenoid
Silver Cloud I & S1 Induction Cover & Choke Spring
Silver Cloud II/III & S2/3 Butterfly Housing
Silver Cloud II/III & S2/3 Choke Pipes
Silver Cloud II/III & S2/3 Choke Spring
Silver Cloud II/III & S2/3 Choke Switch
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 30000-50741
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 22118-26708
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 20628-22117 (USA, 4-Door Cars)
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 20628-22117 (Cars with Emission Control)
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 20171-21728 (USA, 2-Door Cars)
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 17630-20377 (Cars with Emission Control)
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 12665-22117 (Cars without Emission Control)
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 12490-17629 (Cars with Emission Control)
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 08742-12487
Choke & Throttle chassis numbers 01001-08741
Filter Options
SU Carburetor, Solex Carburetor, or Fuel Injection